NA016 general protection relay
The Thytronic NA016 relay, which meets the requirements of the Italian standard CEI 0-16, is typically used in HV, MV and LV radial networks as protection of power supplies or power transformers. In solidly grounded systems the residual overcurrent protection can be used on lines of any length, while in systems with an isolated neutral, i.e., connected to ground via Petersen coil and/or resistor, residual overcurrent protection can be used on lines of limited length so as to avoid untimely tripping due to capacitive current contribution of the feeder on external ground fault.
Features of the NA016 general protection relay
Thytronic NA016 relay monitors maximum residual and phase current, ensuring system safety against overloads. It is for users who do not require directional protections (51-50-51N-50N) and logic selectivity, itoffers trip circuit supervision. In addition, a version equipped with a shunt trip release with built-in DATA LOGGER is available. As for communication functions, the device is equipped with Modbus RTU RS232 protocol.